What's Happening in Greater Hall


There are a number of ways to get involved with Greater Hall FCA, including joining a huddle! We have huddles at the elementary, middle, high school, and collegiate levels. Use the button below to see where a huddle is at in your community!

Huddles in Greater Hall


Our vision is to see the world transformed through coaches and athletes in the equestrian field, and our mission is to lead every equestrian into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

The equestrian field is a ministry that grows daily and is vastly under-served - our hope is to change this! If you or someone you know is interested in joining this movement, then you can visit our website by clicking on the image!

Visit Our Site!

We have camps and training experiences for all levels of ministry!

Upcoming Events

North Georgia FCA Winter Recharge

DATE: December 20-22 | LOCATION: Woodlands Camp

3 day FCA camp in GA // Leading coaches & athletes into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.


Greater Hall Volunteer Training

DATE: January 25 | 10AM-1PM | LOCATION: Chestnut Mountain Church

Training and celebration for any and all volunteers in Hall and White County.


FCA Summer Camps!

Click the link below to find all the various camps in Georgia

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